A Questionnaire-Based Study to Evaluate the Basic Understanding of Pharmacovigilance of the Under Graduate Medical Students of a Rural Teaching Hospital
Adverse Drug Reactions, CDSCO, MBBS students, Medical under graduates, Pharmacovigilance, WHOAbstract
Introduction: Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) have presently been greatly contributing to the hospital
admissions, prolongation of the hospital stays, visits to the emergency departments, in turn, contributing
to the economic burden of healthcare management. Pharmacovigilance is predominantly concerned with
ADRs, and drug safety. The basic understanding about pharmacovigilance is essential for future medical
professionals as they will come in contact with the patients and can efficiently report the ADRs.
Aim: To evaluate the basic understanding about pharmacovigilance and create awareness in medical students
of a rural teaching hospital.
Materials & Methods: This was a non-interventional questionnaire-based study, where medical students
from a rural teaching hospital were included in the study. They were distributed a simple questionnaire
related to pharmacovigilance basic knowledge, through google form link, which they had submitted. The
data was analysed.
Results: Total 92 participants were included in the study. It was found that, 57.8% of these were female and
42.2% were males. Moreover, regarding assessing the basic pharmacovigilance knowledge it was reported
that 98.9% were aware about healthcare professionals who can report ADR. Nearly 83.5% were aware about
pharmacovigilance. Nearly 70% of the participants had not heard about pharmacovigilance before joining
pharmacology lectures. Majority of the participants had never attended any seminar/workshops and agreed
to attend in future.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the basic understanding about pharmacovigilance is improving and
medical student shows interest about creating awareness related to pharmacovigilance, as it is an important
aspect of drug safety. However, to further improve their understanding awareness programs for medical
student can be conducted.