Assessing Fear-Avoidance Belief Questionnaire and Quality of Life in Housewives with Knee Osteoarthritis : A Research Protocol
avoidance; fear; housewives; inflammation; knee pain; osteoarthritis; quality of life;Abstract
Introduction - Osteoarthritis (OA) is an inflammatory disorder of cartilage, degeneration of synovial fluid,
osteophyte formation, thinning of joint space and sub-chondral sclerosis. The prevalence of osteoarthritis in
India was found to be around 28.7%. Females are generally more affected than males with the ratio of 2:1.
Of all the joints knee and hip joint are seen to be most commonly affected joint in OA. Prevalence of knee
pain is common amongst housewives due to prolong standing and frequent bending. Strenuous physical
activity, especially activities requiring kneeling, knee-bending, stair climbing, squatting, prolonged standing
as well as knee injury and trauma have also been linked to a high prevalence of symptomatic knee OA. Knee
OA causes pain of various degree depending upon the severity of disease which can cause fear in patients.
The fear related to pain can results in decrease in quality of life.
Purpose - Purpose of this study was to assess fear amongst housewives related to OA using fear-avoidance
belief questionnaire and the effects of fear on their daily life using WHOQOL-BREF.
Methodology - 200 housewives will be selected according to exclusion and inclusion criteria. Their knee
radiography was done to look for level of OA. Then those ladies were interview to find their fear related to
disease and its effects and how that affects their quality of life.
Results - Results are awaited till the study is completed.
Conclusion - Conclusion of this study depends upon the result of this study.