Awareness of Medico Legal Aspects of Clinical Practise and Common Medico Legal Issues among Medical Graduates
Forensic Medicine, Medico legal awareness, Medico legal issuesAbstract
Background: Medical practitioner is expected to have skills and knowledge in his field along with legal
aspects of practise of Medicine, various medico legal issues and management of such issues. The study will
help us to know the areas of weakness with regard to handling of medico legal issues among the medical
graduates and can suggest remedial measures to improve the learning process.
Method: Data will be collected by giving a printed questionnaire which consists of seventeen questions
related to basic knowledge of medico legal issues and its management. This will be done only after taking
consent. The participants are required to answer by agreeing or disagreeing the statements given or by giving
simple answers to the questions. Data will be analysed using Microsoft excel & SPSS Software and results
will be presented with frequency and percentage and will be illustrated within charts and tables.120 medical
graduates participated in the study and study showed an existence of gap in the learning and practical
knowledge about medical legal issues and its practise.
Conclusion: Regular training to update the knowledge of medico-legal issues is necessary to ensure
continuous improvement of the quality of health care delivery and better administration of justice.