Awareness of Physiotherapy among Higher Secondary Students- A Survey
Physiotherapy, Awareness, Higher secondary, survey questionnaireAbstract
Background: Physiotherapy is a kind of art among various health care professional. It is the rapidly
emerging allied health profession in India. It is engaged with promoting health and maximizing potential.
Students are the budding generation where the knowledge regarding physiotherapy as a treatment must be
developed. This study focused on students in Thanjavur District since the term physiotherapy as health care
service is rising gradually nowadays. The main objective of this study is to scrutinize the level of awareness
of physiotherapy among the students who are the vitals of the upcoming generation.
Objective: The purpose of the study is to assess the level of awareness of Physiotherapy among Higher
Secondary students in Kumbakonam of Thanjavur District. subjects and methods: A structured survey
questionnaire depicting the awareness with three components namely Knowledge Attitude and Belief
towards physiotherapy is distributed around 200 students of ARR Matriculation Higher Secondary School
in Kumbakonam. The responses were collected from the students for the statistical data analysis. result and
conclusion: The awareness regarding all the three aspects were significantly less. It is said that there will
be in chance of creating the awareness among students unless the professionals themselves include in the
repletion and improvement of the field.