Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case Report


  • Sonal Dhobe1 , Vaishali Tembhare2 , Ruchira Ankar3 , Savita Pohekar4, Samruddhi Gujar5



chronic kidney disease, Diabetes Mellitus type 2, Hypertension.


Chronic kidney disease can occur in mostly those patient which having a history of hypertension and
diabetes, this disease also known as a chronic renal failure. In this disease condition kidney can decreasing
the rate of filteration or kidney function since month or a year. In the beginning period of Chronic Kidney
Disease the person not showing any sign and symptoms about disease condition, after the months and year
patient showing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, lethargy edema, confusion and loss of appetite. If the
early detection and treatment is not getting so the patient can goes in complication such as heart disease,
hypertension, bone disease and anemia.1 Case Report: The female patient name is Rashida khan 63 year
old religion by Muslim lived in the yawatmal. She was admitted in the AVBRH with the chief complaint
of breathing difficulty, fever, nausea and vomiting, swelling on both legs, lethargy weakness since 10 days.
She having a history of HTN since 5 year and freshly diagnosed as DM2.Conclusion: This case presented
how the prolong history of HTN which is uncontrollable causing the DM2 and it can leads to CKD. The
firstly clinical presentation of the patient providing information about the history of HTN and DM2 and the
laboratory studies suggested a reducing function of kidney. So the patient sign, symptoms and the laboratory
values showing the condition of patient kidney with increasing volume of kidney, breathing difficulty,
moderate anemia and uremia. Early detection of the HTN and DM2 and their management in early stage,
also the modification in lifestyle and diet can help to reduce the chances of occurring Chronic Kidney
Disease. Patient also have to complete the given treatment and counseling about the disease condition, and
the problem get solved by taking proper treatment.

Author Biography

  • Sonal Dhobe1 , Vaishali Tembhare2 , Ruchira Ankar3 , Savita Pohekar4, Samruddhi Gujar5

    M.Sc Nursing 1st year, 21st year, Lecturer, 3Associate Prof. 4Associate Prof., 5Clinical Instructor, Department
    of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Datta Meghe Institute of
    Medical Science, (Deemed to be University) Sawangi (M), Wardha




How to Cite

Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case Report . (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 548-550.