Cognitive Impairment and Its Impact on Quality of Life in Rural Indian Female after Stroke: A Cross Sectional Study Protocol
Rural Indian females, Stroke, Cognitive impairment, Quality of life, MoCA , and SS-QoL scale.Abstract
Introduction: Stroke represented growing social, health care and economic problems. in 2005 vascular
cognitive impairment a condition that can be found in 20-30% of stroke patient. Now in 2018-19 over 50
percent of stroke survivors have reported cognitive impairment 6 months after stroke and are associated with
poorer quality of life which increase disability. Cognitive functions is identified as a top priority for stroke
research. Cognitive impairment affects inadequate ability to focus on the job, recall, understand, prepare, use
knowledge, initiate and stop the operation and solve problem. a stroke impaired cognitive function including
focus, memory, vocabulary, executive function, perception and orientation of space. Because of abnormality
in functional independence and other abnormalities in higher function, cognitive impairment may lead to
affect independence. it increases the death ratio, abnormality. Stroke impacts wellbeing dramatically on
health system resulting in high costs, and is also considered a global public health problem due to severe
disabilities, functional deficiencies and reduced quality of life.
Method: The corrective study is assessing the cognitive impairment and the quality of life. The cognitive
impairment will be measured with the use of the MoCA and QoL will be measured by stroke specific quality
of life questionnaire. Female stroke patient with age in between 45-65 year who was diagnosed by the
physician is included in the study.
Discussion: Stroke is a prevalent condition which affects most of the Indian population. Most studies are
done on stroke including male and females both. Many studies have concentrated on cognitive disability
after stroke and quality of life in males but no research is available in rural Indian females.The need for the
research is therefore to establish the prevalence of cognitive disability in females and their effect on quality
of life after stroke.