Identify Population Attitude Towards Osteoporosis and Pharmacists Involvement in Community Education in Makkah, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Arwa Fairaq1 , Byader Sulimani2 , Ghada AlAhmadi2 , Nouf Adnan Hijii2 , Rahma AlEssa2 , Sara AlHarthi2 and Yosra Alhindi1



osteoporosis, pharmacists, fracture, vitamin D deficiency, and calcium


Introduction: Fracture is the most severe clinical consequence of osteoporosis. Unfortunately, most patients
are unaware that they have fragile bones until they fracture the hip, spine, pelvis, or wrist. Thus, increase
disability, hospitalization, and so on total health care costs. In Saudi Arabia, many middle-aged and older
women were unaware of osteoporosis risk factors with a high prevalence of osteoporosis reported in Saudi
Aim: This study’s main objective is to evaluate population awareness about osteoporosis and pharmacist’s
involvement in patient education to minimize the risk of osteoporosis in the Makkah region.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using an online survey. A total of 1390 participants
completed the questionnaire from 15 February to 15 Marc 2019.
Results: only 1.4% of participants had a risk for osteoporosis and got the advice from pharmacists.
Significantly, 53.7% had a chance but didn’t get any advice from either physicians or pharmacists.
Conclusion: The results show a low self-awareness level in Makkah’s general population with insufficient
involvement of pharmacists in patient education.

Author Biography

  • Arwa Fairaq1 , Byader Sulimani2 , Ghada AlAhmadi2 , Nouf Adnan Hijii2 , Rahma AlEssa2 , Sara AlHarthi2 and Yosra Alhindi1

    Assistant Professor, 2Pharm. D graduate, Department of clinical pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
    Umm Al-Qura, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.




How to Cite

Identify Population Attitude Towards Osteoporosis and Pharmacists Involvement in Community Education in Makkah, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 857-863.