Effectiveness of Playing Origami Intervention on Improvement of Fine Motor Development Pre School Children
Origami, Playing, Fine Motoric, Preschool ChildrenAbstract
Background: One aspect of development in children is fine motor development. Delays in fine motor
skills can make children have difficulty exploring the environment, barriers to learning, lazy writing, lack
of creativity. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of playing Origami interventions to improve
preschool children’s fine motor skills in PAUD Aisiyah VI Bengkulu City.
Study Design:This research is a Quasi-Experimental study with a research design of “one group pretest
and post-test without control group design”, a sample of 26 preschool children using purposive sampling.
The intervention was given for two weeks as many as six meetings with 30 minutes per session. Data on
children’s fine motor development were collected using the DDST II screening format.
Results: Analysis using the Wilcoxon test obtained ? value 0.000 (? 0.05). In conclusion, Origami play
intervention is statistically effective in improving the fine motor skills of preschool children.
Conclusion: Teachers and parents should pay more attention to and increase the stimulation of preschool
children’s fine motor skills by facilitating children to play folding, sticking, and paper cutting more often.