Retinoic Acid Treatment of Human Hematological Malignancies Induces Caspase Dependent and Independent Apoptotic Cell Death
Retinoic Acid, SR, NB4, THP1, COLO677, ApoptosisAbstract
The unprejudiced of this education is to gauge the ability of the retinoic acid to induce apoptotic cell death
in hematological tumors through caspase dependent or independent apoptotic pathway, The cytotoxicity
effects of retinoic acid of different concentrations (400,350,300,250,200,150,100,50,25,12.5 µg\ml) and
exposure for all hematological malignancy cell lines (Human non-Hodgkin lymphoma SR and human
multiple myeloma (COLO 677) and Human Monocytic Leukemia THP1 and Acute promyelocytic leukemia
NB4) have been determined using a microtetrazolium (MTT) assay. Propodeum iodide and alcidine orange
(AO/PI) paired discoloration was used to study the ability of retinoic acid to induce apoptosis in the infected
cells and examined under fluorescence microscope and quantified for the percentage of apoptosis induction.
Quantitative immunocytochemistry assay was used to study the caspase dependent and independent
proteins expression in infected and control cells. Cells treated with Retinoic Acid showed increased cell
death percentage compared to the untreated cells as quantified by MTT assay. AO/PI results revealed that
Retinoic Acid had powerful effect on inducing apoptosis significantly (p<0.001) in human cancer cell lines
tested, compared to control cell. Immunocytochemistry in Retinoic Acid infected human hematological cell
lines revealed remarkable increase in expression of caspase 8,9 (dependent pathway) and AIF, ENDOG
(independent pathway) induces a significant (p<0.002) as compared untreated cell.
This study, which shows the role of the Retinoic Acid in inducing apoptosis through a dependent and
independent pathway in cancer cells, we anticipation these annotations will shanty light on the impending
exploration of retinoic acid in cancer hindrance and rehabilitation