Effect of Resveratrol in Expression of Caspase-7 and Retinal Ganglion Cells in a Rat Model With Traumatic Optic Neuropathy


  • Yunita1,2 Budu3 , Andi Muhammad Ichsan4 , Habibah S Muhiddin4 ,




Caspase-7, Traumatic optic neuropathy, Resveratrol, Retinal ganglion cell


Objective: To analize the effect of resveratrol to the expression of caspase-7 and density of retinal ganglion
cells in a rat model with Traumatic Optic Neuropathy (TON) compared to control.
Methods: This is an experimental study using Wistar rats. Samples were divided into four groups. One
normal control group, 1 TON control group and 2 TON resveratrol groups. TON induced by clamping the
optic nerve retrobulbar with Hartmann Mosquito 2,5 inch. Resveratrol was given 10 mg/Kg and 20 mg/Kg
in two resveratrol groups. Enucleation was performed 1 day after to evaluate the expression of Caspase-7 by
immunohistochemistry and density of retinal ganglion cell by hematoxicilin eosin staining.
Results: Caspase-7 expression was lowest in the resveratrol 20 mg/kg treatment group (4.00 ± 2.00)
compared to resveratrol 10 mg/kg treatment group (6.00±2.23), TON control group(6.00 ± 6.78) and normal
control group(7.20 ± 2.58). Retinal ganglion cell density was highest in the resveratrol 10 mg/kg treatment
group (27.23±2.75) compared to resveratrol 20 mg/kg treatment group (24.89±5.83), normal control
group(24.19±2.39) and the lowest in TON control group (22.96±4.62). Based on the Pearson correlation test,
it was found that there was no correlation between Caspase-7 expression and retinal ganglion cell density in
a rat model with TON (p: 0.178; r = 0.314)
Conclusions: Resveratrol administration shows effect in lowering apoptosis marker caspase-7 and preserving
retinal ganglion cell in traumatic optic neuropathy.

Author Biography

  • Yunita1,2 Budu3 , Andi Muhammad Ichsan4 , Habibah S Muhiddin4 ,

    1 Research in Postgraduate Program, Medical Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia, 2Opthalmologist At
    Hasanuddin University Hospital Indonesia, 3Professor In Medical Faculty University Hasanuddin, Indoensia,
    4Asissten Professor Opthalmology Departement University Hasanuddin, Indonesia




How to Cite

Effect of Resveratrol in Expression of Caspase-7 and Retinal Ganglion Cells in a Rat Model With Traumatic Optic Neuropathy . (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 1673-1680. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13650