In Vitro Production of Ovine Embryo in Non-Breeding Season


  • A. A. Omar1 , M. N. Ahmed2 , Audai Sabah Asker3 , A. F. Majeed1 , T.M. Faraj4 , S.J. Rejah4



IVF, IVEP, Local Iraqi breed sheep Non-breeding season.


This study was undertaken to show the effect of follicular size and culture media on the results of IVF
and IVEP in sheep. A hundred ovaries of slaughtered ewes were taken during non-breeding season. The
total number of follicles were 256, while the number of recovered oocytes were 189. The recovery rate
of oocyte from large and small follicles were 85.8% and 64.7% respectively. Only grades A and B oocyte
have been used with a total number of 148 oocytes. Maturation and fertilization rates in different media;
MEM, RPMI1640, DMEM low glucose and DMEM high glucose were 64.4%, 51.2%, 32.4% and 26.6% for
maturation rate and 66.6%, 55%, 50% and 37.5% for fertilization rate respectively. There was a statistical
difference (p?0.05) in maturation and fertilization rate between different media; the total fertilization and
cleavage rate was 56.7% and 70% respectively. The numbers of morula and blastocyst stage were 40% and
35% respectively. There was a statistical difference (p?0.05) in morula and blastocyst production in different
media. It was concluded that abattoir was a good source of oocyte recovery, and the large follicle give the
best morula and blastocyst stage. MEM was a good diluent of semen. mMEM give the best result as cultured
media as compared with the other media used in this study.

Author Biography

  • A. A. Omar1 , M. N. Ahmed2 , Audai Sabah Asker3 , A. F. Majeed1 , T.M. Faraj4 , S.J. Rejah4

    Assist. Prof., 1Prof. Dr., 2Assist Prof. Dr.,Coll. of Applied Science, University of Fallujah, Anbar, Iraq, 3Assist Prof.
    Dr., Coll. of Agriculture, University of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq, 4
    Researcher, Coll. of Veterinary Medicine, University of
    Fallujah, Anbar, Iraq




How to Cite

In Vitro Production of Ovine Embryo in Non-Breeding Season . (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 2046-2053.