Study of some immunological variables resulted from Balb/c mice injection with Hydatid cysts protoscolex antigens


  • A. O. Humide1 , Abbdalwahab Hussain2 , Ezeddin A. Albayyar3



Complement, Echinococcus granulosus, Hydatid cyts, Immunoglobulins, Protosocolex antigen


Human cyst disease is a common epidemic disease between humans. The current study was carried out to
study some of immunological parameters (the immunoglobins IgG, IgA, the complement proteins C3, C4,
the MIF of PMNs cells, the reducing of NBT and the phagocytosis of Candida albicans) in the Balb/c mice
injected with antigen of protoscolex. By using (15) BALb/c mice and the antibodies IgG, IgA in addition to
the complements (C3, C4) that were measured as well as the Migration Inhibition Factor (MIF). The results
showed that there were significant differences in IgG (13458) mg/dl. IgA (4773) mg/dl, C3 (359.7) mg/dl,
C4 (90.80) mg/dl levels with injection of 0.5 ml in muscle and the MIF levels (1.49) with injection of (0.75)
ml. so between the test and the control up (p?0.05). This might be a good candidate for immunization and
diagnosis of Hydatid cysts in the intermediate host of E. granulosus.

Author Biography

  • A. O. Humide1 , Abbdalwahab Hussain2 , Ezeddin A. Albayyar3

    Lecturer, 2Prof., University of Fallujah, College of Applied Science,
    Assist. Prof., University of Anbar, College of Science.




How to Cite

Study of some immunological variables resulted from Balb/c mice injection with Hydatid cysts protoscolex antigens. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 2163-2168.