Effectiveness of Some Relaxation Exercises Use by Nurse in Assessment of Vital Signs


  • Alaa Abrahem Saeed1 , Sabah Abdullah Jaafar2, Dergham Majeed Hameed3




Effect, Nurse, Relaxation Exercise, Vital Signs, Measurement.


Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the short term effect of relaxation exercise on vital
signs measured at baseline.
Method: A quasi-experimental design with pre and post-intervention with a group control method. Sixty
subjects, divided to study and coronal group measurement of vital signs (Temperature, pulse, respiration and
blood pressure) done by researchers, by using a calibrated sphygmomanometer, mercury thermometer, and
done of four relaxation exercises include (deep breathing, leg relaxation exercise, arm relaxation exercise,
and face muscles relaxation exercise).
Results: The findings of research appear there is a significant difference between the study and control
sample in vital signs after applied relaxation techniques, and This table reveals the statistical significance
and high significance between study and control study for the physical parameter (vital signs) after applied
the relaxation technique.
Conclusions: The currents study concludes, some relaxation exercises such as (deep breathing, leg relaxation
exercise, arm relaxation exercise, and face muscle relaxation exercise) after application for a study group,
make a slight alteration in vital signs. And there is no significant association among the control group. The
authors recommend the training of the office employees about some relaxation exercises.

Author Biography

  • Alaa Abrahem Saeed1 , Sabah Abdullah Jaafar2, Dergham Majeed Hameed3

    Assistant Instructor, Fundamentals of Nursing department, College of Nursing University of Qadisiyah,
    Instructor, Adult of Nursing Department, College of Nursing -University of Al Muthanna, Samawah, Iraq,
    Professor, Ph.D. in Adult of Nursing Department, College of the Nursing University of Al Muthanna, Samawah,




How to Cite

Effectiveness of Some Relaxation Exercises Use by Nurse in Assessment of Vital Signs. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 2515-2520. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13778