Measurement of GSH, SOD and MDA some Antioxidant level after Excises Athletes
SOD, antioxidant , MAD, Athletes, SportAbstract
Antioxidants are a line of defense that protects the cells of the body. Attacking the stray oxygen molecules.
The function of these antioxidant is to add a group of electrons to the blood vessels to give them to
electrolytes or monovalent free radicals so that they stabilize and calm down and do not destroy cells. Thus,
antioxidants work to achieve a balance between free radicals and antioxidants In the cell and keeps the cell
from being damaged. Increased electrolytes or free radicals work To weaken the ability of antioxidants’ and
enzymes secreted by cells despite the fact that the cell has a self-protection and a defensive line to secrete
self-antioxidants, and here the importance of antioxidants arises. These metabolic changes increase the
oxidative effort and affect the ability to achieve and the efficiency of athletes, as well as the body contains
a lot of antioxidant systems Oxidative stress that includes enzymes such as GSH) Glutathione Dos) Super
oxide D ismutses. Exercise can produce an imbalance between ROS and antioxidants, which is referred
to as oxidative stress. Dietary antioxidant supplements are marketed to and used by athletes as a means
to counteract the oxidative stress of exercise. Whether strenuous exercise does, in fact, increase the need
for additional antioxidants in the diet is not clear. This research showed the role of free radicals in causing
oxidative stress during exercise. The results showed significant increased in malondialdehyde (MDA) level
(as an index of lipid peroxidation) glutathione (GSH) superoxide dismuatse activity (SOD) in subjects after
efforts of exercise in comparison with the control group.