Parenting Styles and Children’s Behaviors Difficulties


  • Ali Fadhil Obaid 1, Ali Ibrahim Rashid 2, Nuhad Mohammed Kassim3



Parenting styles, behavior’s problems, and behavior’s difficulties


The descriptive-correlation study design used to investigate the relation between parenting styles and
children’s behavior difficulties by using the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire, and Strengths
and Difficulties Questionnaire to achieve study objectives. An online questionnaire applied as a method of
data collecting on 101 parents (majority of them mothers) and their 4-11 years old children, 58 of them were
males and 43 were females. The finding of the current study reveals that the authoritative parenting style was
used more than other styles and correlated significantly with good child behaviors while the authoritarian
and permissive style used less and correlated negatively with child’s behaviors. In conclusion, when parents
use an authoritative or democratic style enhances children’s positive behaviors more than other styles.

Author Biography

  • Ali Fadhil Obaid 1, Ali Ibrahim Rashid 2, Nuhad Mohammed Kassim3

    1 Assistant. Lect., Pediatric Health Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Babylon, 2 M.B.Ch.B _ F.I.C.M.S
    (Pediatrics), 3
    Assistant. Prof., Pediatric Health Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Babylon




How to Cite

Parenting Styles and Children’s Behaviors Difficulties. (2020). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15(1), 2621-2626.