Prevention And First Aid of Mechanical Airway Obstruction Among Children: Supportive Stratiges For Mothers
first aid, mechanical airway obstruction, children, mothers, Supportive Strategy.Abstract
Children considered as one third of today’s population and the whole future for us. For raising society
being healthy, it is vital of having children being healthy. Mechanical airway obstruction is a communal
and fatal fortune in group of pediatric age. It needs prompt treatment and recognition for avoiding outcomes
as fatal. Despite aspiration of foreign body (FBA) could be event as threatening of life, it can be still
preventable. The mostly significant risk factor for FBA is caregivers knowledge lacking. A pre/post quasi
design of experimental was implemented in the outgoing study. Three hundred mothers as purposive were
included in the current study. The study aim was to assess the supportive strategies influence for mothers
in respect to prevention and first aid of mechanical airway obstruction among children. The work was
performed in the outpatient pediatric department of El Sayed Galal University hospital. Tool I: data sheet
as socio-demographic for children and their mothers, Tool II and Tool III: sheet of questionnaire in respect
to knowledge of mothers besides reported practices of mothers. Results showed that the mean age of the
studied mothers was (34.13± 8. 97), and more than three quarters of them (%76.7) were didn’t receive
previous training program. Differences of significant were detected between post and pre supportive strategy
in knowledge of mothers and reporting practices in prevention and first aid of chocking that wasn’t affected
by their socio-demographic characteristics (P value ?0. 05).