A Study to Assess Respiratory Health Status among Bricks Workers
Respiratory health status , Bricks workers.Abstract
Introduction: Respiratory health problem is one of the major health problem among bricks industry
workers those who are working in dusty area. These problem can be reduce when proper intervention
taken like use of mask, hanky and other devices during working time.
1. To assess respiratory health status of bricks workers working in brisk industry.
2. To find the association among respiratory health status and selected demographic variables.
Methodology: Quantitative research approach utilized with cross sectional research study among Bricks
workers .91 Samples were collected by non probability convenient sampling technique. Demographic
and respiratory health assessment done through questionnaire.
Results: Result showed that Average age of participants was 33.20 ± 5.123(mean ± SD),Average
monthly income of participants were 12659.34,Average year of experience was 7.35 ± 4.510 (mean ±
SD), Gender majority of participants were males 82(91.1%), Disease or any issue other then respiratory
health,89 (97.8 %) had no any diseases, 67(73.6%) were not using any devices during working time,
47(51.6%) were smoker. In respiratory assessment symmetrical chest movement had seen in 91(100%)
participants. 21(23.1%) had Acute Cough. 8(8.8%) had white colour phlegm and 4(4.4%) had black
colour phlegm. 23(25.3) had Grade I of shortness of breath,1(1.1%) had history of self reported asthma.
there was significant Association found between cough and Age in year, Experience in year, Other
Health problem and Issue , Habits of smoking.
There was significant Association found between phlegm and Age in years , Other Health Issue , Habits
of smoking, drug and other supplements.
There was significant Association found between shortness of breath and Age , Qualification, Experience
in year , Habits of smoking.