Estimateof Biological Activity of Parsleyextract on the Isolated Pathogenic Bacteria in Baghdad City


  • Ashwak Jasim Kzar Shammari



parsley, Petroselinumcrispum, UTI infection, water, methanol, inhibition zone.


This research investigates the most common urinary tract infection bacteria and their susceptibility to
antibiotic disc and parsley (Aquas and methanol) extracts. The urinary tract microbial were isolated
from patients of urinary tract infection (UTI) pregnant women patients from Baghdad Hospital. The
pathogenic organisms were collected, cultured and identified. 50 microbial isolate wasset as, E. coli
56 (46.66%), Staphylococcus aureus19 (15.8%). Proteus mirabilis 6 (5%) and Klebsiella pneumonia
3 (2.5%). The pathogenic bacterial showed various zone of sensitivity to different antibiotics. Within
the parsley Antimicrobial activity ranged from 3 to 20 mm. Antibacterial activity of parsley extract (5-
22) mm on UTI isolated pregnant women and methanol extracts was between (3-15) mm. Therefore,
Parsley extract had a pharmacological to treat all of 50 isolates that were identify from patients. In
conclusion, the findings suggested that different extractsmay content as a broad-spectrum bactericidal
factor, to control the emergent pathogens any way of their drug resistance mechanismsto treat urinary
tract infections

Author Biography

  • Ashwak Jasim Kzar Shammari

    Lecturer Dr of Microbiology, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, College of Health and Medical
    Technique, Middle Technical University, Iraq




How to Cite

Estimateof Biological Activity of Parsleyextract on the Isolated Pathogenic Bacteria in Baghdad City. (2021). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(1), 267-273.