Evaluation of the Effect of the Activity of Gum Arabic Aqueous Solution and Ozonated Water on the Chemical and Organoleptic Properties of Locally Produced Soft Cheese in Baghdad City


  • Hind Suhail
  • Zina Saab Khudhir




Ozone, Gum Arabic, Cheese, Coating, Yeasts and molds.


Evaluated the effects of Gum Arabic (GA) combined with ozonated water (OW) at refrigeration (4oC)
storage temperature on the chemical and organoleptic properties of bovine locally produced Cows
and buffalos’, Fifty Soft cheese (25 for each kinds ) were collected from homemade local producers
in the different regions of Abu-Ghraib villages/Baghdad city. Soft cheese samples were analyzed for
Moisture percentage %, Total solids, pH levels, Protein, Fat as dry matters and ash contents before and
after immersion in mixture decontamination solution of (GA) at concentration of (3% and 5%) with
ozonated water (0.5) ppm during (30) minutes of exposure time at refrigeration (4oC) temperature. The
results showed that the moisture, fat as dry matter and ash content increased, while total solids (TS) and
protein decrease after subjecting to natural decontamination solution. pH value was non significantly
affected by the washing treatment. In conclusion evaluation of sensory properties showed that local
cows soft cheese demonstrates higher values for sensory parameter compared to local buffalo’s soft

Author Biographies

  • Hind Suhail

    MSC. Student,Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine,University of Baghdad, Iraq

  • Zina Saab Khudhir

    Assist. Prof., Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq




How to Cite

Evaluation of the Effect of the Activity of Gum Arabic Aqueous Solution and Ozonated Water on the Chemical and Organoleptic Properties of Locally Produced Soft Cheese in Baghdad City. (2021). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(1), 621-627. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i1.17563