Investigation for Endemic Bacteria in the Intestine of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) Feeding on Various Formulated Powders Fortified Diets


  • Intisar Abduljabbar Shamkhi
  • Nuha Hameed Sadiq
  • Marwa Muzahim Mahdi Al-Doori
  • Afrah Mustafa Mohammed



Mapk; Bacteria; Common Carp; Formulated Powders; Chicken meat powder; Fish powder carp


The study was conducted in Fish Laboratory / College of Agriculture / University of Tikrit with the
aim of investigating the effect of adding powders prepared from chicken meat and fish waste (mixed
and carp) and added to diets on the performance of common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and the endemic
bacteria in its intestine. 70 cuffs were used with an initial weight of 240 ± 1.60 g / fish and distributed
randomly into 7 treatments (diets) at the rate of two repetitions for each treatment (5 fish per repeater)
in 14 glass basins with dimensions of 30 x 40 x 30 cm. 7 experimental diets were prepared close to
each other in protein and energy content. The parameters T1 included the commercial powder, T2 the
powder prepared from raw chicken waste, T3 raw mixed fish waste powder, T4 common carp fish
waste powder, T5 the chicken meat powder fortified with 1% lactic acid. , T6 fish powder mixed with
lactic acid by 1%, T7 fish powder of common carp with lactic acid by 1%, the results of the statistical
analysis showed a significant superiority (P≤0.05) for the parameters T5 and T7 in the percentage of
protein and no significant differences in the percentage of fat were recorded for the treatments. T3, T4,
T6 and T7, the treatment T4 recorded the highest percentage of humidity. The treatments T2, T3 and T5
recorded the highest rates of protein percentage in fish bodies after the end of the experiment, and there
were no significant differences for the percentage of fat in fish bodies for the treatments T1, T2 and T4
and it reached (4.20, 4.20 and 4.12%), respectively. Several bacterial strains colonized in fish gut were
isolated: 10 S.aureus isolates, 12 Aeromonas hydrophilia, 5 Aeromonas S isolates, 8 E.oli bacteria, 3
Pseudomonas bacteria, 5 Bacillus isolates, 7 isolates. Flavobacterium isolates.

Author Biographies

  • Intisar Abduljabbar Shamkhi

    Researcher. (Teacher), University of Tikrit, College of Science, Department of Biology,  University of Tikrit, Iraq

  • Nuha Hameed Sadiq

    Assist Prof., University of Tikrit, College of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production, Iraq

  • Marwa Muzahim Mahdi Al-Doori

    Assist Teacher, University of Tikrit, College of Science, Department of Biology, Iraq

  • Afrah Mustafa Mohammed

    Assist Prof, University of Tikrit, College of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production Iraq




How to Cite

Investigation for Endemic Bacteria in the Intestine of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) Feeding on Various Formulated Powders Fortified Diets. (2021). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(1), 632-638.