Malaria Infection Effect to Haemoglobin and Haematocrit in Pregnant Mus Musculus
Hb, Ht, malaria, pregnant.Abstract
Malaria is a disease that is caused by Plasmodium Sp. And infected by Anopheles mosquitos. Kalimantan
is one of endemic places for malaria. Prevalence of malaria is 2-76% depent to the places.Effect of
malaria to pregnant women can be anemia, renal failure, cerebral oedema and death. Prevamence of
anemia because of malaria in pregnant women is about 3-15%. This research was done by using animal
model to show malaria in pregnant. Goal of this research was to analyze malaria infection effect to
haemoglobin and haematocrit in pregnant Mus musculus. Research design was experimental using
posttest only with control group design. It consisted of K0 for control (20 samples) and K1 for infected
group (19 samples).Pregnant Mus musculus was injected P. berghei to infect plasmodium using 0,2 ml
infected serum intraperioteal in the first day of pregnant. Mus musculus was terminated in 19th day of
pregnant and took cardial blood to examine Hb and Ht of pregnant Mus musculus.The result was Hb
level mean for K0= 12,69 gr/dl and K1=12,832 dr/dl. Mean of Ht for K0=38,070% and K1=38,495%.
Statistical anayzes used U-Mann Whitney test, with p value for Hb level was 0,574 and Ht was 0,574.
The conclusion was malaria infection could not effect yet to Hb dan Ht level in pregnant Mus musculus.