The Role of K and Ca Channels in Hydrogen Sulfide Induced Relaxation in Arteries Feeding Human Colorectal Cancer


  • Kamaran. H. Mohammed
  • Omar A. M. Al-Habib
  • Sardar H. Arif



Human Artery, colon cancer, H2S, K and Ca2 channels.


This study was designed to find out the vasorelaxant effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on arteries feeding
human colon cancer. In addition, it also included the study of the possible roles of potassium (K+) and
calcium (Ca2+) channel types in H2S-induced relaxation in the isolated arteries. Sodium sulfide (Na2S)
showed a potent dose-dependent relaxant effect on Norepinephrine (1X10-5 M) precontracted arteries.
The use of different specific K+ channel blockers (BaCl2, 4-AP, GLIB, and TEA) individually indicated
H2S-induced relaxation was affected by all K channel types participated to a various extent, except Kv
channels. Both Kca2+ and Kir channels played a major role in the induced relaxation, while KATP played
a minor and non-significant role. On the other hand, Kv channel played no direct role, and the induced
response curve was very close to that of the control. Possible combinations of K channel blockers
showed that some produced synergistic effect to different extent, whereas others produced mild and
non-significant effect except at the highest doses used on dose-response curves. Thus, combinations of
(GLIB+4-AP), (GLIB+BaCl2) and (BaCl2+TEA) caused a highly significant blocking in the induced
response curve, while (BaCl2 +4-AP) and (TEA+4-AP) produced a mild inhibition except at the highest
doses used in which the inhibition was significant.

Author Biographies

  • Kamaran. H. Mohammed

    Lecturer, Department of Veterinary, Shaqlawa Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Lecturer Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, ZakhoUniversity, Iraq

  • Omar A. M. Al-Habib

    Professoer, College of Science, Nawroz University, Duhok, Iraq

  • Sardar H. Arif

    Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Medical College, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




How to Cite

The Role of K and Ca Channels in Hydrogen Sulfide Induced Relaxation in Arteries Feeding Human Colorectal Cancer. (2021). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(1), 677-686.