The Potential of A Balinese Traditional Medicine Kelor Leaves (Moringa oleifera) For Male Infertility Treatment : A Mini Review


  • Luh Putu Widiastini
  • I. G. Agung Manik Karuniadi
  • I Nyoman Mangku Karmaya
  • I Gede Widhiantara



Moringa oleifera, male infertility, antioxidant, oxidative stress.


Infertility is one of the causes of reproductive welfare disorders of married couples around the world.
One of the causes of infertility at the molecular level is Oxidative Stress (OS) because the products of
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), both endogenous and exogenous, exceed the levels of antioxidants in
the body. The aims of this review is to find out the potential of traditional medicinal from Bali, Indonesia
with local name Kelor (Moringa oleifera) leaves in preventing the occurrence of potential infertility
in men based on the results of research in vivo using animal trials. The method used by the writer is a
literature study.The results of this literature review found that kelor/moringa had a positive effect on
sexual behavior, especially an increase in libido. In addition, it has a positive effect on spermatogenesis,
the quality of spermatozoa especially increases sperm motility, sperm count/volume, germ cell count,
renews endogenous antioxidant enzyme activity, reduces levels of ROS, and provides a protective
effect on the testes from damage. Moringa oleifera contains many free radical blocking molecules.
Some phytochemical test results show that moringa contains powerful antioxidants, including alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoids/steroids, tannins.

Author Biographies

  • Luh Putu Widiastini

    Lecturer of Midwifery Study program Institute of Health Science-Bina Usada, Badung, Bali (80361), Indonesia,

  • I. G. Agung Manik Karuniadi

    Lecturer of Midwifery Study program Institute of Health Science-Bina Usada, Badung, Bali (80361), Indonesia,

  • I Nyoman Mangku Karmaya

    Professor of Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar City, Bali (80234)

  • I Gede Widhiantara

    Lecturer of Study program of Biology, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Dhyana Pura University, Badung, Bali (80361) Indonesia




How to Cite

The Potential of A Balinese Traditional Medicine Kelor Leaves (Moringa oleifera) For Male Infertility Treatment : A Mini Review. (2021). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(1), 734-742.