Risk Factors of Uncontrolled Hyperglycemia in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Risk factors, Children, Adolescents, Hyperglycemia, Ketoacedosis (KDA)Abstract
Background: In Iraqi children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, glycemic control levels and risk factors
for uncontrolled hyperglycemia are unknown. The aim of the study to assess the factors that increase
the risk of uncontrolled hyperglycemia in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, and
identify levels of glycemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from September 21 2020 until the end of May 2021 to
identify levels of glycemic control and assess the risk factors of uncontrolled hyperglycemia in children
and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, for the study sample which was 209 type 1 diabetics,
selected randomly from the visitors of a Faiha Specialized Diabetes, Endocrine, and Metabolism Center
(FDEMC). The American Diabetes Association assigned target HbA1c levels to patients based on their
age groups. Comparison has been made of well-controlled patients and uncontrolled hyperglycemia
patients. To assess each risk factor’s role in uncontrolled type 1 diabetes hyperglycemia, the Odds
Ratios were calculated.
Results: Only 17.2% of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus were well-controlled
diabetes. Better glycemic control was related to age < 6 years, BMI, and duration of type 1 diabetes <5
years. Glycemic control was not affected by gender, residence, socio-economic status.
Conclusion: Type 1 diabetes mellitus glycemic control among children and adolescents in Al-Basra/
southern Iraq varies widely, risking microvascular complications. In well-control type 1 diabetes
mellitus patients, females were higher than males and in the age group (1-6) years, higher than the
other age groups. While in uncontrolled patients with type 1 diabetes, about (57.2%) had an episode
of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The major risk factors for uncontrolled hyperglycemia are excessive
sweet intake, fast food, and irregular meals