Risk Factors’ estimation of Non Communicable Diseases in Al-Basrah Province/ Iraq During 2020-2021
Non communicable diseases, risk factors, Basrah.Abstract
Background: Non communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, and
respiratory diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. They share risk
factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, smoking, and harmful alcohol use. The share of these
risk factors raises the probability of developing non-communicable diseases. The aim of study to assess
non communicable diseases risk factors in Al-Basrah province during 2020-2021.
Methods: A cross sectional study was implemented among 250 respondents aged from 18 years and
above according to random sampling method. Data was collected according to face -face interviews
with those attended to different primary health care centers in Al-Basrah province from September
2020 to February 2021.
Results: The study found 134(53.6%) respondents suffering from at least one of selected non
communicable diseases due to higher increase in behavioral risk factors. The proportion of participants
with unhealthy diet was 211(84.4%) while for overall salt intake was 207 (82.8%). the prevalence of
a currently smoker was 60 (24%) among participants and higher in males than females while for a
currently alcohol consumption the prevalence was 1 (0. 4%).the prevalence of physical inactivity was
176 (70.4%) and this percentage higher among females. The prevalence of overweight and obesity
(BMI>25 kg/m2) was 35.6% and 38% and this proportion was higher among females than males.
Conclusion: Non communicable diseases risk factors were alarming increases among population of
Al-Basrah and this increase due to social transition and eating habits without any affective programs
for prevention of these risk factors and control of non-communicable diseases.