Immunohistochemistry Detection Apoptosis Related with ORF Virus Infection in Sheep Based on Caspase 3 Detection from Selected Farms in Basrah


  • Yasmeen Jasim Mohammed
  • Eman Hashim Yousif



immunohistochemistry, detection apoptosis, caspase (3).


This study was designed for the molecular detect of apoptosis related with ORFV infection in sheep
based on detected caspase (3) by immunohistochemistry. The samples were taken from the skin of the
lips of animals infected with contiguous ecthema. The ability of the virus to induce apoptosis was also
verified using cellular immunohistochemistry and the use of a polyclonal anti-caspase (3) antibody to
detect apoptotic activity. The results of the study revealed positive expression of caspase (3), where a
high percentage of caspase (3) was observed in the affected cells in the epidermis of the lip, in addition
to the presence of overexpression in all layers of the epidermis, with the presence of small areas of
apoptotic cells compared with the control group.

Author Biographies

  • Yasmeen Jasim Mohammed

    Lecturer, Dept. Patho. and Poult. Disease,Coll. Vet. Med, University of Basrah

  • Eman Hashim Yousif

    Assist Prof, Dept. Patho. and Poult. Disease, Coll. Vet. Med, University of Baghdad




How to Cite

Immunohistochemistry Detection Apoptosis Related with ORF Virus Infection in Sheep Based on Caspase 3 Detection from Selected Farms in Basrah. (2021). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(1), 1661-1668.