A Quasi-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Guided Imagery Therapy on Infertility Related Stress and Quality of Life among Infertile Women
Effectiveness, Guided imagery therapy, stress associated with infertility, living standard, infertile female.Abstract
Introduction and Background: According to WHO infertility is failure to achieve a pregnancy
after 12 months or more than or without use of any contraception method, it is a reproductive system
disease.Infertility can cause increase level of stress and create negative thought. So this study is
aimed to find out effectiveness of guided imagery technique on stress and quality of life of infertile
women. Methodology: The research approach used was quantitative approach. Quasi experimental:
nonequivalent control group, Pre-test post-test design was used. 66 infertile women were selected for
both the group was selected 33 subjects in each group. Pre assessment for stress level & quality of
life was done for both experimental and control group. The tool of data collection included a sociodemographic
Performa, Perceived stress scale (PSM- 10) and FertiQol scale assessment tool. Guided
imagery provided to experimental group. The intervention was given to infertile women is recorded
15 minutes audio tract. Participants had listened the infertile specific GI recording once in a day for 7
consecutive days. In control group, the GI therapy did not provided. Result: The data was analyzed
by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study result shows that effect of GI intervention on
stress intensity and on QoL are effective and P value for stress was <0.001 and for QoL p value was
<0.001. Conclusion: The study concluded that Guided imagery technique is effective in reducing stress
level and improve quality of life.