Assessment of Factors Influencing Uptake of National Programme on Immunization among People in Chanchaga L.G.A., Niger State, Nigeria


  • Baba A. Dare
  • Muhammad Ibrahim Nakadiri
  • Kperogi, I.I
  • Jidda K. A
  • Abdullahi
  • Muhammed Bukola



Assessment, Factors, Uptake, National, Programme, Immunization


This study assessed the Factors influencing uptake of national immunization programme among people
in Chanchaga L.G.A., Niger state. Immunization has brought sound health to many children in the
world, reduced the agony experienced by parents during child rearing and reduced the mortality rate
among children. The purpose of this study was to examine cultural belief, fear of parents, religion, level
of service and uptake of national immunization programme among people in Chanchaga L.G.A., Niger
Descriptive research design of survey type was adopted for the study. The population comprised of all
people in Chanchaga L.G.A., Niger state. A multistage sampling technique which consist of simple
random sampling technique, purposive and convenience sampling technique was used to select 384
respondents for this study. Questionnaire was validated by three experts in the Department of Health
Promotion and Environmental Health Education for data collection from the respondents. A reliability
coefficient (r) of 0.76 was obtained through split half method using Spearman Brown for analyzing
data generated. The inferential statistics of Chi-square was used to analyze the data collected for the
postulated null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level.
The findings revealed that:
1. Cultural belief of people is a significant factor influencing the uptake of National Immunization
Programme among people of Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger State because the calculated
value 271.20 is greater than the table value 21.3
2. Fear of parents about immunization is a significant factor influencing the uptake of National
Immunization Programme among people of Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger State because
the calculated value 175.76 is greater than the table value 21.3
3. level of coverage of service of people will significantly be a factor influencing the uptake of National
Immunization Programme among people of Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger State because
the calculated chi-square value 247.09 is greater than critical table value of 21.03 (Cal χ2 val ˃ Tab χ2
The study concluded that cultural belief, fear of parents, religious belief and level of service are
factors influencing the uptake of National Immunization Programme among people of Chanchaga
Local Government Area, Niger State. It was therefore recommended among others that there should be

sensitization programme by health workers to community leaders and indigenes in villages in order to
publicize the benefits of immunization, parents should be well informed by health workers or through
media before the start of immunization programmes to reduce the fear about immunization among


Author Biographies

  • Baba A. Dare

    Ph.D, Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education, Faculty of Education,
    University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

  • Muhammad Ibrahim Nakadiri

    Researcher, Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education, Faculty of Education,
    University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

  • Kperogi, I.I

    Ph.D, Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education, Faculty of Education,
    University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

  • Jidda K. A

    Ph.D, Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education, Faculty of Education,
    University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

  • Abdullahi

    Researcher, Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education, Faculty of Education,
    University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

  • Muhammed Bukola

    Researcher, Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education, Faculty of Education,
    University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria




How to Cite

Assessment of Factors Influencing Uptake of National Programme on Immunization among People in Chanchaga L.G.A., Niger State, Nigeria. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(2), 158-165.