The Difference of EPDS Examination Results before and after Delivery in High-Risk Pregnant Woman at Unair Hospital


  • Delvanny Alfikri Rekaputri Wicaksono
  • Agustina Konginan
  • Nalini Muhdi



EPDS Score, High-Risk Pregnant Woman, Pre and Post Partum.


Background: Pregnancy is an exceptional condition for a woman who will become a mother. The
prospective mother will experience a phase to continue the offspring, and depression is a complication
that generally does not occur in childbirth. Objective: To determine the differencein the prevalence of
depression through the results of the EPDS examination before and after delivery in high-risk pregnant
women at Unair Hospital. Method: This research will use an observational analytic study design with
a one-group pretest-posttest design strategy—data retrieval using primary and secondary data, namely
by questionnaires and medical records at Unair Hospital. The sample in this study consisted of 23
multigravida pregnant women and one primigravida mother who sought treatment at the Outpatient
Installation of Unair Hospital in March 2021 - May 2021. Results: The prevalence of pregnant women
with a tendency to postpartum depression on the EPDS scores before and after delivery are 8% and
17%, respectively. There is a very weak positive correlation between pre-delivery EPDS scores and
post-delivery EPDS scores. Conclusion: There is no significant difference between the scores before
and after delivery in a high-risk pregnant woman at Unair Hospital.

Author Biographies

  • Delvanny Alfikri Rekaputri Wicaksono

    Student, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

  • Agustina Konginan

    Consultant, Department of Psychiatry,Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia

  • Nalini Muhdi

    Consultant, Department of Psychiatry,Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia




How to Cite

The Difference of EPDS Examination Results before and after Delivery in High-Risk Pregnant Woman at Unair Hospital. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(2), 199-205.