Enucleation of Scrotal Epidermoid Cyst: Case Report
enucleation, epidermoid cyst, scrotal, pilosebaceous gland, histopathologyAbstract
Background: Epidermoid cyst is one of the most common forms of blockage in the pilosebaceous
gland. The surgical procedure for excision of the cyst aims to prevent recurrence, however, several
reports suggest that enucleation can be performed with certain considerations.
Case:A 22 year old man who lives in Wonogiri, came to Dermatology and Venereology Outpatientclinic
of Dr. Moewardi General Hospital Surakarta, with the chief complaint of a lump in the scrotum. The
lumps appeared since 3 years ago, the size of a pea seed and accompanied by itching. The results
of the examination of the dermatological status of the scrotal region showed several nodules of the
skin color, felt dense and rubbery without any signs of inflammation. Histopathology shows a basket
wave type parakeratosis at the stratum corneum, while the epidermal layer shows cysts filled with
keratin and surrounded by squamous cells. Based on the results of the history, physical examination
and histopathology, the diagnosis of the patient was a scrotal epidermoid cyst, then we performed two
enucleation measures and found improvement.
Conclusion: Epidermoid cyst is a form of benign epithelial cyst that can occur in the scrotal area. The
main treatment to prevent recurrences is surgery, where the enucleation technique can be performed
with several considerations such as small size of the cyst without signs of inflammation, preventing
dystrophic calcification and capsule routine.
Copyright (c) 2022 Halim Perdana Kusuma, Nugrohoaji Dharmawan

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