Social Status and Oral Hygiene with Quality of Life in Patients with Primary Hypertension


  • Masriadi
  • Muhammad Fajrin Wijaya
  • Maqh irah Amiruddin
  • Tuti Alawiyah
  • Nur Rahmayani



Knowledge, Social Status, Oral Hygiene, Quality of Life and Primary Hypertension


Background:The main problem in primary hypertension is that most people who have been diagnosed
with primary hypertension do not know the etiology clearly.To find out the the relation between social
status and oral hygiene with quality of life in primary hypertension. Methods:The type of research used
was an observational in a cross-sectional study design.The study was conducted in February-May 2021.
The number of sampling was 61 people. The sampling method uses purposive sampling technique.
The results of data collection were tested by using the Path Analysis test.Results: Research conducted
at Padongko Public Health Center in Barru Regency. Based on the results of the analysis of the path
analysis of social status tests on primary hypertension, the results obtained p value 0.188> α 0.05, oral
hygiene against primary hypertension results obtained p value0.914> α 0.05, this Ha obtained means that
there is a the relation but not significant, while social status on quality of life results are obtained p value
0.837> α 0.05, oral hygiene against quality of life results obtained pvalue0.227> α 0.05, this Ha obtained
means there is the relation but not significant, while the the relation of primary hypertension to quality
of life has a significant the relation where the results of p value 0.012 <α 0.05.Conclusion: There is the
relation between social status and oral hygiene with quality of life in patients with primary hypertension
but does not appear significantly.

Author Biographies

  • Masriadi

    Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

  • Muhammad Fajrin Wijaya

    Lecturer, Departement of Oral Surgery & Maxillofacial,  Universitas Muslim Indonesia

  • Maqh irah Amiruddin

    Lecturer, Departement of Prosthhodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

  • Tuti Alawiyah

    Lecturer, Departement of Dental Material, Faculty of Dentistry, Moestopo Beragama,
    University, Jakarta

  • Nur Rahmayani

    Student, Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muslim Indonesia




How to Cite

Social Status and Oral Hygiene with Quality of Life in Patients with Primary Hypertension. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(2), 246-253.