Evaluation of Blood Parameters When Infected with Candida Albicansand Its Recovery Using Probiotics


  • Umniyahqays jasim
  • Dalia abdalkareem




Candida albicans , Blood parameters, probiotics.


Purpose: To study, blood components and some indicators of liver function were measured andCandida
albicans was isolated and identified from infected cows’ vagina with inflammatory signs then
experimentally in rabbits treated with estradiol hormone.
Introduction: Candidiasis is an infection caused by yeast,.Candida can multiply and cause an infection
if the environment inside the vagina changes in a way that induces its growth.
Materials and Methods: Isolation and identification of candida albicans isolate from cowʼ vaginitis
(40 samples), duration in November 2020 till May 2021 then treated with saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Candida albicans inoculums at 1.5 ×108 cell /ml, in non-pregnant vagainal’ Rabbits a weight (2 kg)
after treated with estradiol hormone for several days before the infection occurred. The experiment
was carried out in the microbiology laboratories in College Veterinary Medicine- the University of
Baghdad, the blood, liver parameters, and rabbits’ vaginal histology was studied.
Results: The Hb parameters in G2 showed higher significant differences ( 8.31±0.75107) compared
with G1(12.80 ± 2.42782), G3 (13.26 ± 1.465), G4 (12.46 ± 1.987), G5 (12.75 ± 2.128) respectively,
the effectiveness of the treatment with S.cerevisiae and its ability to return hemoglobin and liver
functions to its normal value and the treatment cause inhibitory effect of C.albicans infection, the
vagainal histological section in G4 showed narrow folding of mucosa thrown with mild MNCs infiltrate
LP and submucosa, no inflammatory cells seen in a muscular layer or in the serosa.
Conclusion: The study proved the effectiveness by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and treating rabbits
vaginal infection with pathogenic Candida albicans, that Injected estradiol hormone S\C then, recovery
the blood and liver parameters to their normal condition, in addition, the treatment of vaginal tissue and
its return to its normal state

Author Biographies

  • Umniyahqays jasim

    Final Year Post Graduate Student , Microbiology Dept.Vetrinery Medicine University of Baghdad Al Ameria / Baghdad,

  • Dalia abdalkareem

    Professor, Microbiology Dept.Vetrinery Medicine University of Baghdad Al Ameria / Baghdad,




How to Cite

Evaluation of Blood Parameters When Infected with Candida Albicansand Its Recovery Using Probiotics. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(2), 413-424. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i2.18011