Anti-Hyperlipidemia Effects of Sijukkot Leaf Extract Ethanol (Lactuca Indica)


  • Ida Duma Riris
  • Saronom S ilaban
  • Marini Damanik
  • Nora Susanti



Sijukkot (Lactuca Indica); Cholesterol; TG; LDL and HDL


Lactuca indica from Indonesia (Humbang Hasundutan) is a plant used to treat as antihyperlipidemia :
Cholesterol, Trigliserida (TG), High Density Lippoprotein (HDL), Low Density Lippoprotein (LDL),
on 28 male rats of the wistar strain (Rattus norvegicus) that have been given high-fat diets were given to
3 control groups, namely rats given standard feed, groups of rats given standard and high-fat diets, and
groups of rats given simvastatin with treatment for 21 days. The groups with different doses were 100
mg/kg bw, 200 mg/kg bw, 300 mg/kg bw and 400 mg/kg bw. Giving the ethanol extract of the leaves of
the sijukkot plant has an effect on reducing total cholesterol levels. With the analysis obtained that the
Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test with a sig value > 0.05, the data is normally distributed. The results of the
analysis in the Test of Homogeneity of Variances table obtained a Sig value of 0.510. Cholesterol Sig
Value 0.510 > 0.05; TG 0.102>0.05; HDL 0.01 <0.05 and LDL 0.257> 0.05. Thus, the ethanolic extract
of sijukkot leaves gave a positive effect on cholesterol levels in the serum lipid profile of High Density
Lippoprotein (HDL and Low Density Lippoprotein (LDL).

Author Biographies

  • Ida Duma Riris

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Chemistry Department, State University of Medan, North Sumatra,Indonesia

  • Saronom S ilaban

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Chemistry Department, State University of Medan, North Sumatra,Indonesia

  • Marini Damanik

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Chemistry Department, State University of Medan, North Sumatra,Indonesia

  • Nora Susanti

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Chemistry Department, State University of Medan, North Sumatra,Indonesia




How to Cite

Anti-Hyperlipidemia Effects of Sijukkot Leaf Extract Ethanol (Lactuca Indica). (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(2), 456-462.