A Case Report on a Dead Man Walking in a Rural University of South Africa
Power abuse; management; dehumanization.Abstract
Background: Abuse of power in rural universitiesis less visible to the public but widely prevalent.Myriad formsof
corruption are prevalent in the rural university concerned. Productive staff is generallyappreciated and awarded in
most universities but in this rural university, they get punished, terminated, or subjected to disciplinary inquiries.
Objective: To report on the abuse of power and difficultiesof an academic in a rural university of south Africa.
Case History: X was an employee of the department of health and affiliated with the local University in a dual
system of employment where he has served the university for over two decades (1996 to 2018). He underwent
persistent harassment, bullying,and dehumanization in his early period of employment. It progressively evolved
toa more serious form with disciplinary inquiries, suspension, stoppage of salary, and birthday bonus. The
managers of this rural university tried hard repeatedly to carry out constructive termination but failed. Mr. X
retired after his completion of age 65 with respect and appreciation. The history, duration, and different designs of
abuse of power havebeen described in this report.
Conclusion: It isguilty, to be honest, and hardworking in a rural university in South Africa as it functions like a
secretive society.