The Influence of Chest-Knee Position on the Appearance of anal Physical Findings in Comparison with other Clinical Positions during the Examination of Sexual anal Assault Victim


  • Mohanad S. O. Jaber
  • Shrouq S. Al-Sabaileh



Sexual Anal assault; clinical Positions; sodomy; forensic Pathology.


Background: Sexual anal assault is an important and critical issue worldwide. Usually the clinical examination
reveals subtle findings to prove the incident of sexual anal assault. Thus for approaching a proper diagnosis, the
victim needs to be examined by a trained and experienced forensic physician who is officially involved in dealing
with such issues.
Methods: Prospective study of 82 victims of sexual anal assault transferred by the local prosecutor to the forensic
medicine department.
Results: The majority of victims were females (82%), most of them were younger than 18 years (53.8%). The
findings obtained by other clinical positions regarding the distribution of anal cutaneous folds revealed that
(82%) of victims showed normal distribution, and (18%) showed abnormal distribution of the folds. While after
chest-knee positioning (33.3%) of victims showed normal distribution of the anal cutaneous folds and (38.5%)
showed abnormal distribution along with (28.2%) of victims showed absence of folds. Regarding inspection of
anal sphincter by other clinical positions; (84.6%) of victims showed normally contracted sphincter and (15.4%)
showed less contractility of the sphincter, whilst by chest-knee positioning (35.9%) of victims showed normally
contracted sphincter with the majority of victims (64.1%) showed abnormal contraction. Concerning injuries in the
anal region represented mainly by contusions and abrasions; they were noticed only in (12.8%) of victims by other
clinical positions, while were present in (29%) of victims examined with chest-knee position.
Conclusions: During the clinical examination of victims of sexual anal assault, and in comparison with other
clinical positions used, the application of chest-knee position showed overall more conspicuous physical findings,
especially regarding the distribution of anal cutaneous folds, the inspected degree of contractility of anal sphincter,
and the presence of injuries in the anal region represented mainly by contusions and abrasions.

Author Biographies

  • Mohanad S. O. Jaber

    Faculty of Medicine, Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU): Hebron - Wadi Alharea Building,

  • Shrouq S. Al-Sabaileh

    Faculty of  Medicine, Al-Balqa Applied University Al-Salt, Jordan.




How to Cite

The Influence of Chest-Knee Position on the Appearance of anal Physical Findings in Comparison with other Clinical Positions during the Examination of Sexual anal Assault Victim. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(3), 31-35.