Ovarian Cyst Disease in Cattle: Bioanalysis of Associated Hormones


  • Ammar M.K. AL-azzawi
  • Ali Abbas Ali
  • Ghassan H. Jameel




Ovarian Cyst Disease in Cattle; prolactin; hormones; LH; FSH.


Ovarian cysts are structures that appear on ovaries, their size reaches 2.5 cm in diameter or greater remaining
for 10 days or more if they are untreated. They are classified into three major categories includes follicular
cysts, luteinized follicular cysts, and cystic corpora luteal result in failure of reproduction in dairy cows. There
isasignificant depression in the mean values of FSH and LH in the repeat breeder cows (infected group) when
compared with the normal cows (control group). There is a significant elevation in the mean values of the
prolactin hormone in the repeat breeder cows. In recommendation, balanced feeding to dairy cows with high
milk production would decrease the risk factors associated with cystic ovary syndrome.

Author Biographies

  • Ammar M.K. AL-azzawi

    Assistant professor, Doctor, Dep. of chemistry /college of pure science /Diyala university –Baquba Iraq,

  • Ali Abbas Ali

    Lecturer, Dep. of chemistry /college of pure science /Diyala university

  • Ghassan H. Jameel

    Professor, Dep.of Micro-biology college of veterinary Medicine/ Diyala university.




How to Cite

Ovarian Cyst Disease in Cattle: Bioanalysis of Associated Hormones. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(3), 69-72. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i3.18252