The Occurrence and the Characteristics of Liver Injury, and its Impactamong Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients in Basrah City-Iraq
Liver injury; liver Enzymes; COVID-19.Abstract
Background: The respiratory system is most affected by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
2 (SARS-CoV2). However, COVID-19 can appear in a variety of ways. It has found a link between higher liver
enzymes and COVID-19 infection, implying that the virus can induce liver damage through direct hepatotoxic
injury, medication toxicity, or an immune-mediated response.
Materials and Methods: In the southern Iraqi province of Basra, a cross-sectional observational study is being
conducted in a single center (Basra teaching hospital) to estimate the prevalence of liver damage among hospitalized
patients and identify those at risk.
Results: The study found that most of the patients have a normal liver function test at the time of diagnosis
and or admission, but after hospitalization, there is a statistically significant increase in the liver enzymes that
is positively related to the disease severity and cytokine storm and also lead to more extended hospital staying
and further mortality. Fortunately, the degree of liver damage is of mild severity in the majority of patients. Still,
the severe form of liver damage was also noticed in some patients, especially those with a higher degree of lung
involvement and severely desaturates with raised inflammatory markers.
Conclusions: Elevated liver enzymes are prevalent, but the majority is mild with COVID-19 disease. Liver function
abnormalities, particularly increased levels of AST and ALT, are not only common in COVID-19, but they are also
linked to poor outcomes, mainly if severe liver damage has occurred.