Determinants of Incidence of Myofascial Pain Syndrome on Coffee Picker Farmers in Pulu-Pulu Village, North Toraja Regency
Myofascial Pain Syndrome; Coffee Picker Farmers; Posture; Ergonomic.Abstract
Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a muscular pain that are often encountered in humans due to non-ergonomic
positions during daily activities. In addition to the work position, Myofascial Pain Syndrome is also affected by
individual factors and other occupational factors. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the
incidence of Myofascial Pain Syndrome on coffee picker farmers in Pulu-Pulu village, North Toraja Regency. This
was a quantitativeresearch with cross sectional study method. Interviews were conducted on 45 respondents who
were coffee picker farmers which was obtained based on the total sampling method. Data regarding sex, age,
working period, working duration were measured using questionnaire. Data regarding posture were measured
using the RULA assessment sheet and data regarding the incidence of myofascial pain syndrome were obtained
through doctor’s diagnosis.The data were analyzed using SPSS 21 with the results of Chi Square test showed that
there was a correlation between gender (p = 0.011), age (p = 0.000), working period (p = 0.017), working duration
(p = 0.010), posture (p = 0.019) and the incidence of myofascial pain syndrome. While the Logistic Regression test
showed that the most significant and positive correlation was age and working duration. Writer would kindly
suggest farmers to take breaks periodically while working to relax their body.