Management of Airway Foreign Body Aspiration with Atelectasis Complication
flexible bronchoscopy; foreign body; rigid bronchoscopy; straight-pinaspiration; child neglectAbstract
Background: A sharp foreign body aspirationis a problem that is usually found in teenage women who wear hijab.
Straight-pins are used in wearing hijab to make a model and to hold it tight in place. Straight-pin aspiration has the
potential to become a serious problem if it is inhaled in the airway and must be removed immediately in optimal
conditions by using complete equipment to prevent complications.
Case Report: A 14 year old girl with straight-pin aspiration in the airwayhad come to emergency room of
DrSoetomo General AcademicHospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. The initial location of the straight-pinwas in the right
main bronchus and a rigid bronchoscopy was planned. Rigid bronchoscopy was performed but the foreign object
failed to be removed and the foreign object moved further down and difficult to reach. A flexible bronchoscopy
was performed and the foreign body was successfully removed. However, there was a complication of left lung
atelectasis after the procedure. It was treated conservatively and healed.
Conclusion: Straight-pin aspirationin the airway is treated by rigid and flexible bronchoscopy with atelectasis as
a complication. Flexible bronchoscopy is an alternative therapy for inhaled foreign bodies that are located distally
and cannot be reached by rigid instruments.