A Prospective Study to Understand and Analyse, Correlation between Finger Prints and Lip Prints


  • Sharanabasavappa Karaddi
  • Priyanka A Ghuli
  • Santosh Garampalli
  • Sunil Kumar Kainoor




Lip prints; Finger prints; Identification.


The present study was a prospective study conducted in LVD College, Raichur, Karnataka, and study period was
December 2013 to November 2014 (One year). During study period, total of 210 subjects (40 male and 170 female) of
Raichur origin with known blood groups were randomly selected and included in the study. The students were in
the age group between 18 to 28 years. The purpose of the study was to find out the possibility of correlation between
lip prints and ABO and Rh blood groups. Although a number of studies have been taken up on Dactylography
and Cheiloscopy individually, studies combining features of both dactylography and cheiloscopy are very few.
In the view of few literatures correlating dactylography and cheiloscopy and their importance individually in the
identity fixation, the present study carries immense medico-legal importance and could prove to be a valuable step
towards the identification of an individual.

Author Biographies

  • Sharanabasavappa Karaddi

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolgy, Raichur
    Institute of Medical Sciences Raichur, Karnataka -584102

  • Priyanka A Ghuli

    Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medinine and Toxicolgy, Ashwini Rural Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Kumbhari, Solapur,Maharastra

  • Santosh Garampalli

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, M R Medical College
    Kalburgi, Karnataka-585105.

  • Sunil Kumar Kainoor

    Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolgy, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences Raichur, Karnataka -584102




How to Cite

A Prospective Study to Understand and Analyse, Correlation between Finger Prints and Lip Prints. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(3), 339-343. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i3.18307