Comparative Study on Post Mortem Analysis of Sodium and Potassium Levels of Vitreous Humour and Synovial Fluid in Determining Time Since Death


  • Gurpreet Singh
  • DK Sharma
  • Deepali Pathak
  • Sumanta Dutta



Potassium; Synovial Fluid; Thanatochemistry; Time since death; Vitreous Humour.


Background: Time since death (TSD) is the period between the death and time of examination of a body. Numerous
studies conducted on analysis of potassium in vitreous humour have shown that the vitreous potassium levels
increase with rise in TSD. Studies done on postmortem biochemistry of synovial fluid have proposed a positive
linear relationship between potassium and TSD. But, very few authors have compared findings of these two fluids.
So, this study was undertaken to compare the accuracy of determining post-mortem interval from Sodium and
Potassium levels of vitreous humour and synovial fluid.
Methods: A total of 140 cases were taken with certified time of death. These were divided into 7 groups i.e.
0-6 hours, 6-12 hours, 12-18 hours, 18-24 hours, 24-30 hours, 30-36 hours and above 36 hours. Vitreous humour and
Synovial fluid from knee joint were aspirated from both sides of body and were analyzed using Medica Easylyte
Na/K Analyser. Results were obtained using SPSS 24 software.
Conclusions: Potassium has a strong positive correlation with TSD in both fluids. Sodium has weak negative
correlation. There is no difference between values of both sides. There is no statistically significant difference
between values of Vitreous humour and Synovial Fluid. Hence, both can be used alternatively.

Author Biographies

  • Gurpreet Singh

    Resident,  Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,SMS Medical College, Jaipur.

  • DK Sharma

    Professor,Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur.

  • Deepali Pathak

    Associate Professor,Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur.

  • Sumanta Dutta

    Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,SMS Medical College, Jaipur.




How to Cite

Comparative Study on Post Mortem Analysis of Sodium and Potassium Levels of Vitreous Humour and Synovial Fluid in Determining Time Since Death. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(3), 393-398.