Profile of Autopsy Cases at District Hospital, South India in Pandemic Year 2020


  • Chandru K
  • Rudramurthy



: Profile, Pandemic, Unnatural death, autopsy


Autopsy profile is one of the essential inputs for National Statistics. It gives an insight into the prevailing unnatural
causes of death in the vicinity and subsequently helps stake holders take appropriate measures to prevent the
same. The present study was conducted in district hospital, South India in the pandemic year, 2020. A total of
808 medico legal autopsies were conducted in Government District Hospital, Tumkur which is high in spite of
pandemic and lockdown in place. Among them majority of victims were male constituting 78.85% and females
attributing to 21.15% of total cases. Manner of death was analysed and accidental deaths formed the major chunk
of cases comprising of 351 cases (43.44%). Suicidal deaths comprised of 35.87 % of cases and homicide deaths
accounted for 3.71% of cases. Among males maximum number of cases was recorded in fourth decade with
147 cases. While in females maximum cases fell in third decade of life with 51 cases. Road traffic accident was
the prime most cause of death with 241 cases comprising of 30% of total cases. Second most common cause was
hanging with 137 cases comprising 17% of total cases. Surprisingly natural deaths constituted third most common
cause with 125 cases comprising of 15% of the cases. Majority of cases were reported in middle age group 21-50
years which form the bread winner group. With adequate safety precautions and counselling these unnatural
deaths could be prevented.

Author Biographies

  • Chandru K

    Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Sri Siddhartha Medical College,
    Tumkur Karnataka

  • Rudramurthy

    District Forensic Specialist, District Hospital, Tumkur Karnataka




How to Cite

Profile of Autopsy Cases at District Hospital, South India in Pandemic Year 2020. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(4), 24-27.