Factors Influencing Peak Expiratory Flow Rate among Selected People in Basrah City


  • Adil G. Fadil
  • Hussein Sh Al-Essa
  • Firas Abdulkader
  • Rafid M. Albadr




s: PEFR, BMI, height, weight, surface area


Background: In many obstructive airway diseases, including asthma, the Maximum Expiratory Flow (PEFR)
measurement offers a reliable and objective technique for estimating the amount of airway blockage. Peak
expiratory flow rate can be easily evaluated with a peak flow meter at home by the patient or their parents. The
peak expiratory flow rate test measures how fast the air is circulating through the lungs.
Materials and Methods: The study was done in college of Dentistry, University of Basrah, we select 301 person
who agree to participate of this study, an anthropometric measure were obtained from all subjects after simple
interview, peak expiratory flow rate was obtained by using peak flow meter, then the result were analyzed using
Conclusions: Peak expiratory flow rate in males was higher than females and showed a strong positive correlation
with the study participants’ age, height, weight, and body surface. The subjects’ age and body mass index had an
inverse relationship with peak expiratory flow rate; however, it was not statistically significant

Author Biographies

  • Adil G. Fadil

    Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics and Preventive Dentistry, University of Basrah, College of
    Dentistry, Basrah, Iraq

  • Hussein Sh Al-Essa

    Lecturer, Department of Oral Diagnosis, University of Basrah, College of Dentistry, Basrah, Iraq

  • Firas Abdulkader

    Lecturer, Department of Physiology, University of Basrah, Al-Zahraa College of Medicine, Basrah, Iraq

  • Rafid M. Albadr

    Assistant Professor, College of Dentistry, department of Basic Sciences, University of Basrah, College of Dentistry, Basrah, Iraq




How to Cite

Factors Influencing Peak Expiratory Flow Rate among Selected People in Basrah City. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(4), 101-105. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijfmt.v16i4.18547