Surgical Venous Ablation in Varicose Veins Lower Extremity under Sonographic Guidance


  • Deepak Tolia
  • Jitesh Tolia2



EVLA, Saphenous vein, Venous insufficiency; varicose veins


ntroduction: The EVLA method can be applied in approximately 70% of the patients with complaints of varices.
The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of the EVLA procedure in treatment of saphenous venous insufficiency
and the resultant varicose veins.
Materials & Method: Total of 100 patients were include in the study. The EVLA procedure was done using a
1470 nm laser diode by the Interventional Radiologist. The patients were evaluated clinically and by using colour
Doppler before the procedure, two months and five months after the procedure.
Results: The decrease in Venous clinical severity score and Venous disability score from the pre-procedural score
to the second and fifth month scores (post procedure) was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). Decrease
in saphenous vein diameters from the pre-procedure measurement to the second and fifth month diameters (post
procedure) at various levels as described was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). Significant decrease in
the number of patients with venous reflux was noted on fifth month follow-up after the procedure.
Discussion & Conclusion: EVLA is a minimally invasive technique. EVLA results in irreversible damage to the
vein which is ablated. The venous occlusion is mainly due to progressive fibrosis which causes obliteration of the
vein rather than thrombotic occlusion. As this is a new technique, data regarding the long-term outcome of EVLA
is required to confirm the durability of the procedure

Author Biographies

  • Deepak Tolia

    Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Shantabaa Medical College, Amreli, Gujarat,

  • Jitesh Tolia2

    Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, People's College Of Medical Sciences & Research
    Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh




How to Cite

Surgical Venous Ablation in Varicose Veins Lower Extremity under Sonographic Guidance. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(4), 164-169.