Evaluation of Prescription Writing Skill of Dental Students and Professionals Working in Dental Teaching Institute in Haryana
Prescription writing errors, Undergraduate students, Interns, Faculty, DentistryAbstract
Background: Prescription is an integral part of practice in the field of dentistry. Errors in prescription can be
either knowledge or writing related. Understanding the lacunae gives an insight to improvement in this vital
clinical skill.
Aim: To evaluate prescription writing pattern in a dental teaching Institute in Haryana with primary objective to
identify the most common errors in prescription writing among students and faculty and secondary objective to
assess overall performance and prescription writing skills.
Methods and Material: The hospital based cross-sectional, descriptive survey was conducted with 194 participants
with a problem based approach requiring response in the form of complete prescription. Undergraduate students
of third and final year, interns along with post graduate students and faculty were included. Each prescription
was analysed for 28 parameters. Six prescriber related, five patient related, eleven drug related, and seven
Miscellaneous parameters. Each parameter was scored as one if present and zero if absent. Total score for each
parameter and total score of each prescription was calculated and graded as poor score 0-7, medium or fair score
8-14, good score 15-22.and 22-30 excellent.
Results: The patient and doctors related parameters were most deficient followed by miscellaneous and drug
related parameters. Maximum prescription were of fair quality. Undergraduate prescription was well written in
comparison to other groups.
Conclusions: There is a need to emphasis, audit and revise the art of prescription writing throughout the
curriculum and later stages too