Digital Pocketbook Increase Mother's Knowledge about Covid-19 Transmission Prevention
Digital pocketbook, knowledge, mother, covid-19Abstract
Mothers and infants are at an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission. One of the preventive efforts that can be
done is to use technology as a medium for health promotion, namely digital pocketbooks. Digital pocketbooks
in accordance with the conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic, where there is a policy of transmission efforts
by limiting interaction and staying away from crowds. To determine the effect of using a digital pocketbook on
a mother’s knowledge about reducing COVID-19 transmission to pregnant women, new mothers, postpartum
mothers, and newborns. This study is a quasi-experimental study with an uncontrolled, pretest and posttest
approach conducted at the Posyandu Tangkolo (Melati 2) in the Ciamis District. The sampling method used was
purposive sampling, and a total of 30 samples. The digital pocketbook is given to increase mothers’ knowledge
about to raise moms’ awareness of COVID-19 prevention strategies for pregnant women, mothers in labor,
postpartum mothers, and infants. Questionnaires were used to measure the mother’s knowledge before and after
being given a digital pocketbook. Paired T-test was applied for effect analysis.
The results showed that there was a significant effect of digital pocketbooks on mothers’ knowledge about
preventing the Covid-19 transmission in pregnant women, mothers giving birth, postpartum mothers, and
newborns (p=0.000). Digital books make it easy for mothers to access information without having to leave the
house, practically, whenever and wherever they want to open and read them easily.
The use of digital pocketbooks can help mothers have a better understanding of how to prevent the transfer of
COVID-19 to pregnant women, new mothers, postpartum mothers, and infants. It is recommended that digital
pocketbooks can be used as a means to carry out health promotion.