Relationship Between Agenesis of Third Molars Skeletal Malocclusion


  • Pratik Rupakar
  • Jignesh Maheswari
  • Indira Palalam Janakan
  • Foram Patel
  • Darshan Dudhat
  • Sanjay Yadav



Third molar agenesis, Maxilla, Mandible, Skeletal Malocclusion.


Background and Aim: Among the agenesis of permanent teeth the most affected tooth is the third molar Mandibular
third molar is an unusual tooth characterized by considerable variability in formation, timing, variation in crown
and root morphology and not infrequently, by agenesis. Our aim of this study is to find the frequency of third
molar agenesis as well as correlation of skeletal malocclusion and third molar agenesis.
Material and Methods: A total of 594 patients (242 males, 352 females) aged between 11 and 25 years were reviewed
retrospectively. A tooth was considered developmentally missing when there was no evidence of surgical tooth
extraction, when there was no any sign of tooth crown mineralization or crypt development with radiolucency
on panoramic radiographs. Patients were divided into five groups according to agenesis of third molars: Patient’s
skeletal malocclusion was determined by SNA, SNB and ANB angles as well as Wit’s appraisal and divided into
class I, II, III malocclusion.
Results: Third Molar Agenesis was more common in maxilla than in mandible. Third Molar Agenesis was more
common in females than males. Significant association was observed between Molar tooth agenesis and Gender.
Highest number was observed in females at only 1 third molar was missing followed by 2 third molar missing.
Prevalence of third-molar agenesis was more in skeletal class III malocclusion followed by class II and I and it was
significant statistically.(p≤0.05).
Conclusion: Third molar agenesis was most commonly observed in maxillary arch than in mandibular arch and
more common in skeletal Class III followed by Class I and Class II. It was also observed that Third Molar Agenesis
was more common in females than males. Significant association was observed between Molar tooth agenesis and

Author Biographies

  • Pratik Rupakar

    PhD scholar, Gujarat University & Associate Professor, Department of Dentistry, G.M.E.R.S.
    Medical College & Hospital, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

  • Jignesh Maheswari

    Assistant Professor, Department of Dentistry,Banas Medical College and Research Institute, Palanpur, Gujarat

  • Indira Palalam Janakan

    Dental surgeon, Governmentdental college, Bangaluru

  • Foram Patel

    Master of Health Administration, Department of Health Sciences and
    Kinesiology; Georgia Southern University

  • Darshan Dudhat

    American Dental Design, United States

  • Sanjay Yadav

    Second Year Post-graduate, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial pathology, Government Dental College and
    hospital, Ahmadabad, Gujarat




How to Cite

Relationship Between Agenesis of Third Molars Skeletal Malocclusion. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16(4), 369-373.