Assessing the Psychometric Properties of Hindi version of Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECR-R) scale
Attachment theory, Assessment, Culture, Interpersonal relationships, Measures, Scale.Abstract
Experiences in close relationships – revised (ECR-R) is a widely used questionnaire to measure adult attachment
in romantic and marital relationships. Despite its popularity, a Hindi version of ECR-R is missing. Hindi is a
dominant language in India; absence of Hindi ECR-R hinders both research and practice in the Indian context. The
present study was aimed to fill this gap by providing culturally validated ECR-R. The study (N = 337, community
sample, 53.41% females) evaluated the psychometric properties of Hindi ECR-R. The confirmatory factor analysis
supports the presence of two-factor model as originally theorized in ECR-R. The support for discriminant
validity is provided by negative correlation with inclusion of other in self (IOS) scale. The study contributes
methodologically by providing an adequate instrument to measure attachment styles in the Indian context, which
could be a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers alike.