Study of Fingerprint Pattern in Relation to Gender and Blood Grouping amongst the Medical Students of GMC Srinagar
fingerprint, ABO blood grouping, identification, gender.Abstract
A study was conducted on MBBS students in GMC Srinagar. A total of 100 students was included in the study of
both genders. A proper informed consent was taken from participants. For collection of fingerprint, a tabulated
proforma was be used. Black printers ink was used for creating an imprint by rolling the finger on ink and then
on paper (rolling method) A cello tape was used to seal the print and a magnifying lens was used for aiding in
observation. Imprints from all ten fingers were collected. Information about blood groups was collected from
student identity card. In a few cases where the information was not known, blood grouping and Rh typing was
confirmed by slide agglutination method using antiserum A, antiserum B and anti serum D. The aim of the study
was to find out the correlation between gender, fingerprint and blood grouping in students of GMC. Results: We
noted that majority of the subjects belonged to blood group O (37.2%), followed by B+ve(24.5%) and A+ve(23.5.
Maximum subjects (97%) were Rh positive. The rest were Rh negative. Females had highest percentage of loops
(44%) followed by whorls (41%). Males had the highest percentage of whorls (55.5%) closely followed by loops
(39.4%).Blood group O-ve is correlated to fingerprint whorl followed by AB+ve with whorls and B+ve with loops.
A+ve is correlated to whorls and O+ve with whorls and B-ve with whorls. Blood group A showed highest whorls
(45.4%) followed by loops (41.25%) and arches (10.42%). Also males had predominantly whorls (44.2%) followed
by loops (39.4%) and females had predominantly loops(44.29%) followed by whorls (41.7%). the purpose of this
study is to correlate the relationship between various patterns of fingerprints, gender and “ABO” blood groups
and “Rh” blood types in students of GMC Srinagar. Conclusion: blood group, fingerprint and gender can only be
assessed independently to secure identity if an individual.

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