Knowledge and Awareness of Forensic Odontology among Medical and Dental Graduates and Undergraduates in Karnataka, India


  • Pratima R Bhat
  • Namratha Patil
  • Prasanna S Jirli
  • Ravindra S Honnungar
  • Somashekhar Pujar
  • Vishal V Koulapur



Forensic odontology, dental records, bitemarks, forensic dentistry


Background: Forensic odontology is one of the crucial contender of forensic medicine. Medical and dental
professionals with appropriate knowledge of forensic Odontology will be able to identify and produce right data
at right time which will help in criminal investigation.
Knowledge and awareness of medical and dental students is significant factor that influences quality of
medicolegal reports like certification of age, determination of race and sex. Hence reasonably good knowledge
and skill regarding forensic odontology should be known to them.
Aim of the study is to assess knowledge and awareness of forensic odontology among medical as well as dental
graduates and undergraduates.
Study design: Cross- sectional observational study conducted among 1000 medical and dental students of
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical college and Vishwanath Katti Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi, India in month
of May 2022. A predesigned pre-validated multiple choice questionnaire containing 16 questions was used in the
study. Data was analysed and results were expressed in percentage.
Results: Most of the participants could correctly answer basic knowledge based questions but only few could
answer in depth knowledge questions. 94 % of participants were of opinion that there is need for maintaining
dental records. But only 18 % were aware of period for maintenance of dental records. 12 % of students knew that
amelogenin gene can be used in determination of sex and only 13 % participants were of dimerjian’s method of
age estimation from teeth.
Conclusion: This study shows that participants had positive attitude and basic knowledge of forensic dentistry
but lacked in depth knowledge. Structured skill modules should be included in the curriculum and implemented
appropriately so that both medical and dental students gets hands on training in field of forensic dentistry.

Author Biographies

  • Pratima R Bhat

    Postgraduate, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka- 590010, India

  • Namratha Patil

    Assistant Professor,Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vishwanath Katti Institute of Dental Sciences, KAHER,Belagavi, Karnataka- 590010, India.

  • Prasanna S Jirli

    Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka- 590010, India

  • Ravindra S Honnungar

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka- 590010, India

  • Somashekhar Pujar

    Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka- 590010, India

  • Vishal V Koulapur

    Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi, Karnataka- 590010, India




How to Cite

Knowledge and Awareness of Forensic Odontology among Medical and Dental Graduates and Undergraduates in Karnataka, India. (2022). Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 17(1), 53-55.